Flash Fiction Story Submission Form

The submission window for the spring 2025 flash fiction submission cycle is March 1 to March 31. Authors will be notified in mid-April about whether their stories have been accepted for publication. Stories will be published under a non-exclusive license, at a rate of 8 cents per word. The author will retain all original copyrights.

Stories must be under 1,200 words in length and fall under the genres of science fiction, fantasy, or horror. Please submit only one story per cycle. Simultaneous submissions to other publications are allowed. However, the use of AI to help write the story is no longer acceptable – please see the checkbox and affirmation in the form below.

To keep up with our paid submissions windows, you can subscribe to our occasional writers’ newsletter or follow us on Twitter, Facebook, or Threads.

Meanwhile, we also accept reviews, essays, reprints, and book excerpts for non-paid publication at any time.

  • Please write a short description, tag line, or summary of your story in fifty words or less.
  • Please submit a one or two-sentence biography. Feel free to include links to your Amazon book page, author website, or social media pages.
  • Please submit a square headshot.


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