I subscribe to more than 180 writing advice sites and gather the best posts for you every single Sunday. You can see all the previous writing advice of the week posts here and subscribe to the RSS feed for this writing advice series here (direct Feedly signup link).
Productivity, mood management, and battling the demons inside
Do You Have The Write Stuff? by Brian Jud
Negativity abounds in every publishing adventure. You will get bad reviews. Things will take longer and cost more than you planned. Understand those conditions will occur and plan for them. Brian Jud is the executive director of the Association of Publishers for Special Sales and author of How to Make Real Money Selling Books and Beyond the Bookstore. Follow him on Twitter at @bookmarketing. Self Published Author is a publishing advice site from Bowker, the agency responsible for book ISBNs.
Doing Creative Work Amid The Sh**Tstorm by Tiffany Yates Martin
When you love what you do and you have genuine passion for it, and suddenly you are not only struggling to do it but wondering if what you’re doing is effective or good, it can pull the rug out from under your whole identity. Here’s what to do. Tiffany Yates Martin has spent nearly thirty years as an editor in the publishing industry, working with major publishers and New York Times, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, and USA Today bestselling and award-winning authors as well as indie and newer writers, and is the founder of FoxPrint Editorial and author of the bestseller Intuitive Editing: A Creative and Practical Guide to Revising Your Writing. FoxPrint Editorial offers online courses, workshops and presentations, and advice to authors.
Podcast: Edition Additions, Layout Considerations, and Writing Rituals by Bryan Cohen and H. Claire Taylor
Should books remain unchanged after they are unpublished? Bryan Cohen is an experienced copywriter, bestselling author, and the founder of Best Page Forward and Amazon Ad School. You can find out more about Bryan at BryanCohen.com. H. Claire Taylor is a humor author and fiction strategist, as well as the owner of FFS Media. The Sell More Books Show is a weekly podcast focusing on helping new and experienced authors stay up-to-date with the latest self-publishing and indie news, tools and book selling and marketing strategies.
This Might Not Work by Steven Pressfield
The audience doesn’t know what it wants. It’s the artist’s job to tell them. Or, more accurately –show them. It might not work. Really. It might bomb big-time. That’s the chance you and I have to take, if we want to get ahead of the curve. Ahead of the curve is where hits happen. Steven Pressfield is the author of The Legend of Bagger Vance and other novels as well as The War of Art and other non-fiction books about creative success. Check out his Amazon author page here. StevenPressfield.com offers weekly articles as well as a free mini-course about the business of writing.
Other motivational advice this week:
- 5 Tips To Avoid Burnout As A Neurodivergent Writer by Joana Hill for National Novel Writing Month
- 6 Healthy Ways For An Author To Respond To Positive Reader Feedback by Lori Hatcher for The Write Conversation
- A Big Picture Solution To The Writing Bottleneck by Jenny Hansen for Writers In The Storm
- From The Universe, With Love — Or — Critique Partners by Leah Rex McCracken and Carla Vergot for Women Writers, Women’s Books
- How To Avoid Writer’s Block — Advice From Paul Mccartney by Daphne Gray-Grant for Publication Coach
- How To Work Smarter, Not Harder by Daphne Gray-Grant for Publication Coach
- Look Around The Room: Those Are Your Supporters by Blythe Daniel for The Write Editing
- Managing Small Pockets Of Time: How To Write In Sprints by Rachel Toalson for Writer Unboxed
- Prioritizing Plans Over Writing Goals by Grace Bialecki for DIY MFA
- Three Elements In A Writer’s Life by Mae Clair for Story Empire
- Transcending Writer’s Block: Spiritual Approaches To Reconnect by Ashley Christiano for DIY MFA
- Unconscious Creativity: How I Wrote A Novel In Five Weeks by Jim Denney for Almost An Author
- Why Is 3 The Magic Number For Top Priorities? by Ann Gomez for Publication Coach
- Work-Write Balance by Leslie Carlin for FundsforWriters
The art and craft of writing
Podcast: Poetic Device by Valerie Francis and Melanie Hill
The poetic devices of metaphor, simile, and allegory, and how they apply to prose. Valerie Francis and Melanie Hill are literary editors and writers. The Story Nerd podcast demystifies story theory so writers spend less time studying and more time writing.
‘Woobie’ Anti-Villains — Sympathy For The Devil by Kristen Lamb
These emo, wounded souls are bound by their own perpetual torment and just waiting to be saved from themselves. This kind of anti-villain can easily create some amazing dramatic tension. Mystery author Kristen Lamb is also the author of the social media guide book, Rise of the Machines: Human Authors in a Digital World as well as We Are Not Alone: The Writer’s Guide to Social Media and Are You There, Blog? It’s Me, Writer. Follow her on Twitter at @KristenLambTX or on Facebook at @authorkristenlamb. If you want more advice like this, follow the Kristen Lamb blog via its RSS feed (direct Feedly link).
Story Pacers by Anne Hawkinson
Your story needs to flow with a momentum that makes logical sense based on the setting, characters, and plot of the story. Here are some ideas that will help vary the stride of your story. Anne K. Hawkinson is an award-winning author and poet. Find out more at her website, AnneHawkingson.com The Florida Writers Association is a great resource for writers, with a very active advice blog. Follow the Florida Writers Association via their RSS feed (direct Feedly link here), on Facebook at Florida Writers Association and on Twitter at @FloridaWriters1.
Location, Location, Location by Dave King
Most of the time, a setting is just a setting, a convenient place for the action to happen. But if you pay attention to unique, telling details, you can push your settings to something fresh and authentic, even something that can influence the mood of your characters and shape the scene. Then there are locations that are so memorable that they stick in the mind afterwards as much as the people who live there. The settings become characters in their own right. Dave King is the co-author of Self-Editing for Fiction Writer. An independent editor since 1987, he is also a former contributing editor at Writer’s Digest. For more writing tips, visit DaveKingEdits.com. Writer Unboxed is a fantastic writing advice site, with lots of helpful articles from some of the biggest names in the field. Follow them on RSS (direct Feedly signup link) and on Twitter.
Why Ahsoka’s Early Episodes Are So Lackluster by Oren Ashkenazi
Even without obvious mistakes, a show can fail to engage viewers. Oren Ashkenazi is a speculative fiction manuscript editor at Mythcreants. Mythcreants is my all-time favorite writing advice site. Get their RSS feed here (direct Feedly signup link) or follow them on Twitter @Mythcreants and on Facebook at @mythcreants.
Nine Ways To Distinguish Characters From Each Other by Chris Winkle
The more characters you have, the harder it is to make them all feel unique. Chris Winkle is the founder and editor-in-chief of Mythcreants. Mythcreants is my all-time favorite writing advice site. Get their RSS feed here (direct Feedly signup link) or follow them on Twitter @Mythcreants and on Facebook at @mythcreants.
Podcast: Avoiding Mustache Twirling by Oren Ashkenazi and Chris Winkle
Villains need coherent motivations like anyone else, and they need aesthetics that won’t seem silly to the audience. How do you do that without leaving the villain drab and boring, or making them into the latest bad guy who is actually right but kills people so you won’t notice? Oren Ashkenazi is the speculative fiction manuscript editor and Chris Winkle is the founder and editor-in-chief at Mythcreants. Mythcreants is my all-time favorite writing advice site. Get their RSS feed here (direct Feedly signup link) or follow them on Twitter @Mythcreants and on Facebook at @mythcreants.
Other writing advice this week:
- 3 Ways To Use Theme To Deepen Your Story by Sharon Skinner for Jane Friedman
- 4 Reasons To Use The ‘Save The Cat’ Story Structure In Your Writing by Rose Atkinson-Carter for A Writer’s Path
- 4 Ways Adverbs Can Ruin Your Writing by theryanlanz for A Writer’s Path
- 5 Common Scene Issues (And How To Fix Them) by Savannah Gilbo for Fiction Writing Tips
- 5 Ways To Tell A Story: Story Structure From Around The World by Bethany Henry for The Novel Smithy
- 6 Unique Editing Ideas That You’ve Probably Never Tried by Audrey Wick for Writer’s Digest
- 9 Questions To Ask Your Character by Jessica Strawser for Career Authors
- Beware Summarizing Across Scenes by Nathan Bransford for Nathan Bransford
- Character Type & Trope Thesaurus: Whiskey Priest by Becca Puglisi for Writers Helping Writers
- Do You Enjoy Serialized Fiction? by Juneta Key for Insecure Writer’s Support Group
- Do You Really Need To Sweat The Commas? by John Gilstrap for Killzoneblog.com
- Facing Your First Draft With Mary Adkins by Rachel Wharton and Laura Granger for Kobo Writing Life
- Finding The Funny: 8 Tips On Writing Humor by Joni B. Cole for Jane Friedman
- How Can You Tell If You’re Starting Your Story In The Right Place? by Susan DeFreitas for Jane Friedman
- Podcast: How Do You Write A Series With Books That Stand Alone? by Mary Robinette Kowal, DongWon Song, Erin Roberts, Dan Wells, and Howard Tayler for Writing Excuses
- How Does Character Motivation Work? (Your Secret To Writing Great Characters) by Lucy V Hay for Bang2write
- Video: How To Edit A Book With AI (And Why I Hate It) by Jason Hamilton for The Nerdy Novelist
- How To Mix Romance And Magic To Write A Romantasy by Raquel Vasquez Gilliland for Writer’s Digest
- Video: How To Plot A Book With The Hero’s Journey (And AI) by Jason Hamilton for The Nerdy Novelist
- How To Write A Compelling Transition Sentence by Ruth Harris for Anne R. Allen’s Blog… with Ruth Harris
- How To Write A Fairy Tale: Definition, Tips, And How To Publish by Dave Chesson for Kindlepreneur
- How To Write A Novel Using The Save The Cat! Method by Arja Salafranca for Now Novel
- How To Write A Psychological Thriller Without Frying Your Own Brain by Lucy V. Hay for Writers Helping Writers
- How To Write Comedy Part 1, Physical Comedy/Slapstick by Ellen Buikema for Writers In The Storm
- Video: How To Write Comic Relief In Stories by Brandon McNulty for Writer Brandon McNulty
- Video: Human Generator – AI Image Tool For Realistic Character Portraits by Derek Murphy for Derek Murphy
- Video: Interview With Writing Coach Masha Du Toit by Brendan McNulty for Now Novel
- Keep Track Of Writing Ideas With These 7 Tips by Edie Melson for The Write Conversation
- Video: MacGuffin Magic: Boost Your Writing Skills Instantly! by Stavros Halvatzis for Get Writing
- Metaphysical Elements In Fiction Writing — Scents by Jan Sikes for Story Empire
- Navigating The Nuances Of The Three-Act Structure by Dave Villalva for David Villalva
- Video: Organize Better With Notion For Authors by Steph Pajonas for Future Fiction Academy
- Researching Place When You Can’t Just Get On An Airplane by Arja Salafranca for Now Novel
- She Will Be A True Love Of Mine: On Fairy Bargains & Female Power by Ava Reid for Writer’s Digest
- Should Close Narration Adhere To Realistic Character Thoughts? by Chris Winkle for Mythcreants
- Should You Revise As You Go? by Jessica Strawser for Career Authors
- Podcast: The One Where Khashayar J. Khabushani Explains Why You’re Not A Real Writer Until You’ve Cried Over A Typewriter (While Passing Through TSA). by J.D. Barker, Christine Daigle, Kevin Tumlinson, and Patrick O’Donnell for Writers, Ink.
- The Problem With Flash Forwards As An Opening Scene by Janice Hardy for Fiction University
- The Ultimate Story Checklist by Garry Rodgers for Killzoneblog.com
- Three Ways Writers Can Use AI (Without Having It Write For Them) by Shavonne Clarke for Written Word Media
- Video: Tired Of Claude? Try These New Models! by Elizabeth Ann West for Future Fiction Academy
- Video: Understanding The 4 Different Story Problem Types by Michael Jaymes for Michael Jaymes
- Video: Using The Story Grid For NaNoWriMo 2023 by Nicole Wilbur for Nicole Wilbur
- Want To Write An Unputdownable Book? Try A Cliffhanger (Or Two) by Jen Craven for Writer’s Digest
- What Are Antagonistic Proxies? And How Can They Help Your Story? by K. M. Weiland for Helping Writers Become Authors
- What Is Irony? 5 Tips To Use It In Your Writing by Michael James for The Write Life
- What Is Meant By Save The Cat Moment? by Stavros Halvatzis for Stavros Halvatzis
- Why A Manuscript Critique Is A Critical Step For Writers by C. S. Lakin for Live Write Thrive
- Why It’s Okay To Ignore Your Grammar Checker by Anne Janzer for Anne Janzer
- Video: Why You Should Be Using Archetypes To Write A Novel — With Ayden Pugh by Brenden Pugh for Writing Quest
- Writing About Pain: Taking An Injury From Bad To Worse by Angela Ackerman for Writers Helping Writers
- Writing Fiction That’s “Ripped From The Headlines” by James Scott Bell for Killzoneblog.com
- Writing Passive Characters: The Kiss Of Death In Story by Zena Dell Lowe for The Write Conversation
- Video: Writing Technique To Improve Voice, Atmosphere, Theme, & More by Shaelin Bishop for ShaelinWrites
The business side of writing
Business Musings: Platforms by Kristine Kathryn Rusch
Should you depend on third-party platforms like Patreon or Shopify? Or try to go it on your own? New York Times and USA Today bestselling — and Hugo Award-winning — author Kristine Kathryn Rusch writes science fiction and fantasy. At KrisWrites.com, Rusch offers her thoughts about the publishing industry and other topics.
Video: Ghost Categories On Amazon by S.D. Huston
Ghost categories sound mysterious, but picking the wrong ones could sink your book’s discoverability. Tune in to learn what you need to know about navigating Amazon’s category overhaul and choosing the right categories to maximize visibility. Fantasy author S. D. Huston is also a military war vet and a former college literature professor and writing coach. Check out her website at SDHuston.com. The S.D. Huston YouTube channel features interview and advice related to writing and publishing.
Video: AI Video, Hollywood Strike, And Future Of Story by Jason Hamilton
Today’s guest is Tim Simmons of Theoretically Media, an experienced writer and film producer skilled in video production and artificial intelligence. Jason Hamilton is a fantasy author. Check out Hamilton’s site, MythHQ. You can also follow him on Twitter at @StoryHobbit and on Facebook at Jason Hamilton. The Nerdy Novelist is a YouTube channel focusing on using AI to write and market books.
Video: Kickstarter Basics Masterclass: What Is It & What Can You Do? by S.D. Huston
This is a three-and-a-half hour class on Kickstarter — how it works, how to prepare for a campaign, how ot launch it, from someone who’s done it. Fantasy author S. D. Huston is also a military war vet and a former college literature professor and writing coach. Check out her website at SDHuston.com. The S.D. Huston YouTube channel features interview and advice related to writing and publishing.
Other business advice this week:
- Successful Slow-Release Strategies For Indie Authors by AskALLi Team for Self Publishing Advice
- Podcast: Lessons Learned From 12 Years As An Author Entrepreneur by Joanna Penn for The Creative Penn
- Use Your Online Events More Effectively Through These Promotion Ideas by Karen Whiting for The Write Conversation
- Podcast: TikTok For Authors In 2023 With A.K. Mulford And Anne Kemp by Sacha Black for Sacha Black
- How Genre Can Drive Your Book’s Success by Maggie Smith for Rocky Mountain Fiction Writers
- KDP AI Terms Places Limits On Titles by Dan Holloway for Self Publishing Advice
- Podcast: Shadow Library Lawsuit Shows Struggle Subscription Services Face Tackling Scammers by Dan Holloway for Self Publishing Advice
- Self-Publishing News: Audiobooks Haven’t Gone Away & News From Spotify And Nextory by Dan Holloway for Self Publishing Advice
- Podcast: Leveling Up Your Publishing And Taking A New Turn: Publishing For Profit by Orna Ross And Shanaya Wagh for Self Publishing Advice
- Holiday Book Marketing Starts Now! by Joe Yamulla for BookBaby Blog
- Update Your Book Marketing To The 21st Century by Brian Jud for BookBaby Blog
- The Fiction Guest Blogging Audience Most Novelists Don’t Know About by Sandra Beckwith for Build Book Buzz
- The Publishing Adventures Of A Hybrid Author by Michelle Cameron for Women Writers, Women’s Books
- Book Reviews: 4 Steps To Validate Your Work by Hannah Jacobson for Writers In The Storm
- Lies Told By Small Presses by Steven Capps for A Writer’s Path
- How Many Words In A Novel? (Guide To 18 Genres) by Blake Atwood for The Write Life
- Give Added Value To Your Author Newsletter With Valuable Freebie by Katy Kauffman for The Write Conversation
- Increase Holiday Book Sales With These 3 Marketing Strategies by Susan U. Neal for The Write Conversation
- Amazon Category Updates And More by Penny Sansevieri for Author Marketing Experts, Inc.
- Hosting Local Author Events In Non-Traditional Venues by Penny Sansevieri for Author Marketing Experts, Inc.
- Barcodes For Books: What They Are And Why They’re Important by Zara Choudhry for The Book Designer
- The Back Cover Of A Book: Just As Important As The Front Cover? by Shannon Clark for The Book Designer
- How To Write Fantasy Novels: Definition, Tips, And How To Publish by Jason Hamilton for Kindlepreneur
- How To Choose The Right Kindle Keywords And Reach More Readers by Dave Chesson for Kindlepreneur
- 7 Kindle Keywords: Use All 50 Characters Or Not? by Dave Chesson for Kindlepreneur
- Do You Have A Side Hustle? by Terry Whalin for Writers On The Move
- Video: Publishing: The Odds Are Slim by Morgan Hazelwood for Morgan Hazelwood
- Video: Amazon Category Issues, Book Marketing Strategies And Ingram Spark Wholesale Update by Julie Broad for Book Launchers
- Video: Sell More Books With Bulk Bonuses – 7 Ideas For Bulk Book Bonuses by Julie Broad for Book Launchers
- Podcast: How Karyne Norton Successfully Kickstarted Her Book In 1 Hour by Thomas Umstattd Jr. for Author Media
- Video: Wide For The Win: Distribution Strategy With Mark Leslie Lefebvre by Megan Spann for Draft2Digital
- Video: Fairytale Endings From Ads For Authors – With Laura Burton by Mark Dawson and James Blatch for Self Publishing Formula
- Video: KDP Alternatives: Is Bookvault Any Good? by Dale L. Roberts for Self-Publishing with Dale
- Video: What’s The Difference Between A Novel And A Novella And A Short Story? Does Word Count Matter? by M.K. Williams for M.K. Williams
- Not A Fast Writer? You Can Still Build A Successful Publishing Strategy by Roz Morris for Nail Your Novel
- This Novelist Had 10,000 Book Pre-Orders Because Of Social Media by Dan Blank for WeGrowMedia
- Video: Book Cover Design With No Money?! by Dale L. Roberts for Self-Publishing with Dale
- Video: Self-Publishing Money Tips & How To Save Costs As An Author by Mandi Lynn for Mandi Lynn
- Video: What To Do When You Go Viral On Social Media by Shelby Leigh for Marketing by Shelby
Am I missing any writing advice sites? Email me at maria@metastellar.com or leave a note in the comments below.
MetaStellar editor and publisher Maria Korolov is a science fiction novelist, writing stories set in a future virtual world. And, during the day, she is an award-winning freelance technology journalist who covers artificial intelligence, cybersecurity and enterprise virtual reality. See her Amazon author page here and follow her on Twitter, Facebook, or LinkedIn, and check out her latest videos on the Maria Korolov YouTube channel. Email her at maria@metastellar.com. She is also the editor and publisher of Hypergrid Business, one of the top global sites covering virtual reality.