I subscribe to more than 180 writing advice sites and gather the best posts for you every single Sunday. You can see all the previous writing advice of the week posts here and subscribe to the RSS feed for this writing advice series here (direct Feedly signup link).
Productivity, mood management, and battling the demons inside
Video: 11 Unique Healthy Habits To Support Your Writing by Brenden Pugh
Take care of your physical health. Be consistent. Avoid comparing yourself to others. This is basic advice, but always good to have a reminder! Brenden Pugh is a fantasy novelist who is working on the first novel of a series. Writing Quest is a YouTube channel about the ideas, edits, and other faces that go into writing a book.
The Five-Minute Workday by Daphne Gray-Grant
The five-minute workday is a great strategy if you’re a writer having trouble getting started because there’s just so much to do. Daphne Gray-Grant is a writing coach, author of Your Happy First Draft, and host of The Write Question show on YouTube. Publication Coach offers books, courses, videos, and one-on-one coaching for authors. If you want more advice like this, subscribe to their RSS feed (direct Feedly signup link) or follow them on Twitter at @pubcoach or subscribe to their YouTube channel.
The Time It Takes by Reavis Wortham
Why it takes every author a different amount of time to write a book. Award-winning mystery author Reavis Wortham is best known for the Red River series and the Sonny Hawke series. Find out more at ReavisZWortham.com. The Kill Zone is the home of eleven top suspense writers and publishing professionals. They cover the publishing business, marketing how-tos, and the craft of writing. Follow them on RSS here (direct Feedly signup link). Follow them on Twitter @killzoneauthors.
Podcast: Why Your Capacity For Zero Is Crucial As A Writer by Savannah Gilbo
The ability to start over from scratch when necessary is key to success. Savannah Gilbo is a developmental editor and book coach. At Savanna Gilbo, she offers writing and publishing advice.
Other motivational advice this week:
- 10+ Questions To Answer If You Don’t Finish The Blogging Projects You Start by Nina Amir for How to Blog a Book
- 15 Tips To Encourage And Support Writer Friends by Julie Lavender for The Write Conversation
- 7 Things Happy Writers Never Do by Colleen M. Story for Writers In The Storm
- Are You Discouraged With Your Writing Dream? Don’t Despair, 4 Tips To Keep You On Track by Cindy K. Sproles for The Write Conversation
- Automate Decisions by Rochelle Melander for Write Now Coach!
- Curiosity — The Writer’s Magic by DiAnn Mills for Live Write Thrive
- Do You Bleed On The Page? by James Scott Bell for Killzoneblog.com
- Don’t Give Up On Your Writing Before You Begin by Larry J. Leech II for The Write Conversation
- Finding Your Process And Trusting It by Virginia Pye for Writer Unboxed
- Five Hard Truths About Writing by Lori Hahnel for Women Writers, Women’s Books
- Get In The Right Frame Of Mind To Write Fast! by Katy Segrove for Pick Up Your Pen
- How To Enjoy A Work-Free Vacation (Without Working 24/7 The Week Before And After) by Daphne Gray-Grant for Publication Coach
- Podcast: Inspirational Indie Author Interview: Katlyn Duncan. Time Management Tips For Juggling Family, Work And An Author Career by Howard Lovy for Self Publishing Advice
- Moving Forward, One Step At A Time by Juliet Marillier for Writer Unboxed
- Overcome Discouragement By Thinking Differently About Your Writing Journey by Tammy Karasek for The Write Conversation
- Six Reasons Writers Need Friends Who Are Writers by Crystal Bowman for The Write Conversation
- The Ease Of Writing by Jim Dempsey for Writer Unboxed
- Writing A Book Under A Tight Deadline by L.G. Davis for Women Writers, Women’s Books
- Writing Myths: Slow/Fast Writing Is The Best by Elizabeth Spann Craig for Elizabeth Spann Craig
The art and craft of writing
Podcast: Mandatory Failure by Mary Robinette Kowal, DongWon Song, Erin Roberts, Dan Wells, and Howard Tayler
We talk with Howard Tayler about the story structure of a story with a BIG disaster in the middle — one which we don’t recover from until the next book. We also talk about the weight of world-building and how to write for your ideal reader. And Howard considers the question, what is the cost of death if immortality exists? Mary Robinette Kowal is the Nebula and Hugo Award-winning author of the Lady Astronaut series and other books and the former president of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America. Howard V. Tayler is the creator of the webcomic Schlock Mercenary. Writing Excuses is a podcast about the art and business of writing. Support them on Patreon.
A Search For The Best Writing App by Karen Cioffi
An overview of some Word alternatives for novelists, including Campfire, Scrivener, and OmmWriter. Karen Cioffi is an award-winning children’s author, a successful children’s ghostwriter with 300+ satisfied clients worldwide, and an author online platform instructor with WOW! Women on Writing. For more from Cioffi, check out her website at KarenCioffiWritingForChildren.com or follow her on Twitter @KarenCV or Facebook at @Writing for Children with Karen Cioffi.
Writers On The Move offers writing, publishing and book marketing advice from experienced authors and marketers.
Video: How To Use Aeon Timeline To Plot Your Book And Organize Your Writing Projects by Claire Fraise
Aeon Timeline is an app that helps you create a timeline of events for your book. It costs $65. Claire Fraise wrote her first novel when she was 16, and has since published two other supernatural thrillers. Connect with her on Instagram at @clairefraiseauthor, on Facebook at @clairefraiseauthor, or visit her website at ClaireFraise.com. Write with Claire Fraise is her YouTube channel.
Video: Dynamic Data Tracking Via ScribeCount by Kevin Tumlinson
Guest Randall Wood, CEO of ScribeCount, talks about how the tool, which starts at $10 a month, helps authors track book sales across all platforms. Novelist Kevin Tumlinson is also the director of marketing at Draft2Digital. Draft2Digital is one of the leading publishing platforms that helps authors publish their books to multiple platforms. It also has a very nice and easy ebook creation and formatting tool.
Video: 5 Steps To Outline Your Novel Fast by Brenden Pugh
The steps are writing a one-paragraph synopsis, expanding it into three paragraphs, finding a story structure, match your story elements to the structure, then fill in the missing pieces. This is a good approach if you already know what your story is — but if you’re looking to actually figure out what your story is, then a different process might work better. Brenden Pugh is a fantasy novelist who is working on the first novel of a series. Writing Quest is a YouTube channel about the ideas, edits, and other faces that go into writing a book.
Podcast: Mistakes In Character Arcs by Oren Ashkenazi, Chris Winkle, and Wes Matlock
Character development can get a bit confusing, as authors try to change too much, don’t have a real problem to begin with, or aren’t sure how to resolve the issue. Oren Ashkenazi is the speculative fiction manuscript editor, Chris Winkle is the founder and editor-in-chief, and Wes Matlock is a content editor at Mythcreants. Mythcreants is my all-time favorite writing advice site. Get their RSS feed here (direct Feedly signup link) or follow them on Twitter @Mythcreants and on Facebook at @mythcreants.
Video: Actually Make The Book Better by Nicole Wilbur
How do you get from raw reader comments to an actual edit plan, a plan that will improve the book for the most number of readers? Nicole Wilbur is a Canadian author and YouTuber. Check out her website at NicoleWilbur.com/. The Nicole Wilbur YouTube channel features videos about story structure, as well as writing vlogs, planning videos, and sharing the progress of her current projects.
Video: Creating A Promise And Foreshadowing Events In A Story by Michael Jaymes
This is the eighth episode of a fiction writing course. It covers the importance of having a promise early on in the story that helps give insight on the direction the story will go. Michael Jaymes is a published author and full-time professional outliner and writing coach. On his YouTube channel, James offers writing, editing and productivity advice.
Other writing advice this week:
- 250+ List Of Character Quirks For Believable Characters by Jason Hamilton for Kindlepreneur
- 3 Things That Make A Great 1st Line by Morgan Hazelwood for A Writer’s Path
- 4 Ways To Write Complicated Families by Sierra Godfrey for Writer’s Digest
- Video: 5 Best Villain Tropes In Storytelling by Brandon McNulty for Writer Brandon McNulty
- 6 Novel Basics You May Be Overlooking by Kathryn Craft for Writer Unboxed
- 8 Tools For Pacing Your Novel by Christine Wells for Writer’s Digest
- Video: 9 Plot Mistakes Every New Fantasy Writer Makes by Jed Herne for Jed Herne
- Behind The Science Of Writing Good Suspense by Dwain Worrell for Writer’s Digest
- Video: Bring Down The House With Epic Character Construction by Stavros Halvatzis for Get Writing
- Channeling The Psychological Forces That Drive Iconic Films by Dave Villalva for David Villalva
- Podcast: Cowriter Troubles, Buying Your Own ISBNs, Poetry Chapbooks, And More by Michael La Ronn and Sacha Black for Self Publishing Advice
- Decisions, Decisions: Creating Character Choices That Matter by Janice Hardy for Fiction University
- Don’t Let ‘Almost’ Sabotage Your Plot by Laura Fineberg Cooper for Writers’ Rumpus
- Editing Your Own Book by Glen C. Strathy for How to Write a Book Now
- Fiction Vs. Reality In Storytelling by Doug Lewars for A Writer’s Path
- Video: Fine Tune Your Prompts With GPT-4 Parameters by Leeland Artra for Future Fiction Academy
- How Can My Dark Lord Be Iconic But Not Badly Written? by Chris Winkle for Mythcreants
- How Right Do Your Characters Have To Be? by Terry Odell for Killzoneblog.com
- How To Be A Good Storyteller: 5 Tips To Take You From Idea To Story by Melanie Conklin for The Novelry
- How To Point Readers’ Attention In The Right Direction by Jami Gold for Jami Gold, Paranormal Author
- How To Proofread A Book by Glen C. Strathy for How to Write a Book Now
- Video: How To Use The 8 Steps Of The Dan Harmon Story Circle To Write Your Novel by Brenden Pugh for Writing Quest
- How To Write A Dystopian Story: Definition, Tips, And How To Publish by Dave Chesson for Kindlepreneur
- How To Write A Fable: Definition, Tips, And How To Publish by Dave Chesson for Kindlepreneur
- How To Write A Myth In 3 Easy Steps by Jason Hamilton for Kindlepreneur
- Lucy Worsley’s 9 ‘Christie Tricks’ For Mystery Writers by Dana Isaacson for Career Authors
- Setting: How To Write Like A Cinematic Genius. by Stavros Halvatzis for Stavros Halvatzis
- The Character Description Info Dump by Philip Athans for Fantasy Author’s Handbook
- Podcast: The One Where Ryan Steck Explains Why He Writes The Epilogue First by J.D. Barker, Christine Daigle, Kevin Tumlinson, and Patrick O’Donnell for Writers, Ink.
- The Rules Of The Story You Write by Lynette Burrows for Writers In The Storm
- The Trouble With To by Denise Loock for The Write Editing
- Tightening Our Prose: Dialog Tags by D. Wallace Peach for Story Empire
- Top 8 Best Scrivener Alternatives For Writers by Dave Chesson for Kindlepreneur
- Training Scenes Work In Movies. They (Usually) Suck In Novels by Nathan Bransford for Nathan Bransford
- Video: Ugg!! The AI Won’t Write What I Want by Christine Breen for Future Fiction Academy
- Podcast: Using Settings In Romance With Emma Roze by Sacha Black for Sacha Black
- Voices On The Page: Points To Consider When Writing Dialogue by Arja Salafranca for Now Novel
- Video: What Are Scene Cards And How Do You Use Them In Your Writing? by Brenden Pugh for Writing Quest
- What Is A Cozy Subgenre In Fiction? by Moriah Richard for Writer’s Digest
- What It Means To Progress The Plot & How To Do It by September C. Fawkes for September C. Fawkes
- When Are Adverbs Wrong? (See What I Did There?) by Morgan Hazelwood for Morgan Hazelwood
- Where Should You Start Plotting Your Story? by K. M. Weiland for Helping Writers Become Authors
- Why We Criticize, And Why You Should Too by Chris Winkle for Mythcreants
- Write Authentic Characters And Connect With Readers by Lori Freeland for Writers In The Storm
- Writing About Pain: Factors That Help Or Hinder The Ability To Cope by Becca Puglisi for Writers Helping Writers
- Writing Techniques: Use And Abuse Of ‘Lampshading’ by Jami Gold for Writers Helping Writers
The business side of writing
Podcast: Craft Jam: Conferences by Gabriela Pereira and Christa Vande Vegte
Should you attend a conference as a beginner writer? How to choose the right conference to attend, and the nuts and bolts on how to prepare for a conference. Gabriela Pereira is a writer, teacher, and self-proclaimed word nerd and the founder and instigator of DIYMFA.com, with a mission is to empower writers to take an entrepreneurial approach to their education and professional growth. Christa Vande Vegte is the operations assistant at DIY MFA. DiyMFA offers classes, advice articles and other training materials for writers. For more advice like this, follow them on Twitter at @DIYMFA and on Facebook at @DIYMFA or subscribe to their RSS feed (direct Feedly signup link).
How Do Kindle Unlimited Subscribers Behave In 2023 (And How Does It Impact Authors)? by Clayton Noblit
Key takeaways: Kindle Unlimited subscribers read more books — and review more books — than average, with romance in particular getting a big boost from being in the program. Also, the total amount of money paid to authors is growing every month.
Clayton Noblit is a marketing manager at Written Word Media, a book marketing company. Follow Written Word Media via their RSS feed (direct Feedly signup link), on Facebook at @writtenwordmedia and on Twitter at @WrittenWordM.
Video: Massive Issue: Amazon KDP Categories Glitch by Dale L. Roberts
How KDP account holders may unknowingly select duplicate or non-existent categories, and how specific keywords can influence automatic category placement. Dale L. Roberts is a self-publishing advocate, fitness author, and video content creator. Self-Publishing with Dale is a YouTube channel with millions of views.
Video: Getting Started With Author Subscriptions With Inka York by S.D. Huston
Guest Inka York, writer of queer fantasy and contemporary gay romance, explains why she decided to pursue a subscription model on Ream in addition to the traditional retailer platforms. Ream is a new subscription platform similar to Patreon and Ko-fi, but one made for authors by authors. She also talks about the early release model she uses to attract subscribers. Fantasy author S. D. Huston is also a military war vet and a former college literature professor and writing coach. Check out her website at SDHuston.com. The S.D. Huston YouTube channel features interview and advice related to writing and publishing.
Video: Where I See Publishing Going In The Next 5 Years by Jason Hamilton
As AI tools become integrated into all writing, editing, and art tools, controversy about its use will fade, especially among younger people. The cost of creating content will fall, and creative people will have more opportunities to expand into multimedia content, video games, and more. Meanwhile, Amazon will become more competitive, requiring authors to invest more in ads, expand to other retailers, or start selling direct. Jason Hamilton is a fantasy author. Check out Hamilton’s site, MythHQ. You can also follow him on Twitter at @StoryHobbit and on Facebook at Jason Hamilton. The Nerdy Novelist is a YouTube channel focusing on using AI to write and market books.
Other business advice this week:
- Finding Readers For Your Indie Books: ALLi Ultimate Guide by AskALLi Team for Self Publishing Advice
- Writing And Producing Audio Drama With Joanne Phillips by Joanna Penn for The Creative Penn
- Self-Publishing News: Artists Share Open Letter In Praise Of Generative AI by Dan Holloway for Self Publishing Advice
- Self-Publishing News: US Copyright Consultation On AI Now Open by Dan Holloway for Self Publishing Advice
- Podcast: Amazon Launches New AI Policy by Dan Holloway for Self Publishing Advice
- Author Speaking Engagements: Tips For A Successful Event by Scott McCormick for BookBaby Blog
- The Ultimate Email Marketing Glossary For Authors: 16 Key Terms by Sandra Beckwith for Build Book Buzz
- Thoughts On Why Book Covers Matter To Our Reading Audience by Patty Smith Hall for The Write Conversation
- What’s The Big Deal About Lead Magnets? by Patricia Durgin for Almost An Author
- Getting Your Books Specialty And Holiday Table Placement by Penny Sansevieri for Author Marketing Experts, Inc.
- 7 Best Book Marketing Strategies To Secure Reviews On Amazon by Penny Sansevieri for Author Marketing Experts, Inc.
- Your Guide To (Probably, Maybe, Maybe Not) Having A Great Book Signing Event At A Bookstore by Chuck Wendig for Terribleminds
- Podcast: AI Gradients, Direct Sales, And Bad Advice by Bryan Cohen and H. Claire Taylor for Sell More Books Show
- 10 Steps To An Eye-Catching Book Cover Design: A Complete Guide For Authors And Self-Publishers by Cameron Chapman for The Book Designer
- Back Cover Of A Book Examples: 17 Interesting Ideas To Inspire You by Shannon Clark for The Book Designer
- Unlocking Amazon A+ Content For Books: The Ultimate Handbook by Cameron Chapman for The Book Designer
- How To Design A Book Cover That Grabs Readers’ Attention In 7 Steps by Shannon Clark for The Book Designer
- Video: Book Marketing With Influencers – How To Do Influencer Outreach by Julie Broad for Book Launchers
- Video: How To Use AI In Your Marketing by Mark Dawson and James Blatch for Self Publishing Formula
- Video: Should I Sell My Self-Published Books On Amazon.com With Amazon KDP Or Seller Central? by M.K. Williams for M.K. Williams
- Video: Can You Copyright An AI Generated Book? by Jason Hamilton for The Nerdy Novelist
- Data Analyzers: Using Facts To Sell Your Fiction by C Hope Clark for FundsforWriters
- Lessons From Emma Gannon’s Success On Substack by Dan Blank for WeGrowMedia
- No, Your Spec Screenplay Is Not A Drama/Thriller. Here’s Why by Lucy V Hay for Bang2write
- Video: 5 Reasons Your Self-Published Book Isn’t Selling by Mandi Lynn for Mandi Lynn
- Video: How I Sell Books On TikTok by Shelby Leigh for Marketing by Shelby
- Amazon Removes The ‘Look Inside’ Feature: Resistance Is Futile by Anne R. Allen for Anne R. Allen’s Blog… with Ruth Harris
Am I missing any writing advice sites? Email me at maria@metastellar.com or leave a note in the comments below.
MetaStellar editor and publisher Maria Korolov is a science fiction novelist, writing stories set in a future virtual world. And, during the day, she is an award-winning freelance technology journalist who covers artificial intelligence, cybersecurity and enterprise virtual reality. See her Amazon author page here and follow her on Twitter, Facebook, or LinkedIn, and check out her latest videos on the Maria Korolov YouTube channel. Email her at maria@metastellar.com. She is also the editor and publisher of Hypergrid Business, one of the top global sites covering virtual reality.