I subscribe to more than 175 writing advice sites and gather the best posts for you every single Sunday. You can see all the previous writing advice of the week posts here and subscribe to the RSS feed for this writing advice series here (direct Feedly signup link).
Productivity, mood management, and battling the demons inside
Video: Cheap Dopamine Is Ruining Your Writing by Jed Herne
Cheap dopamine — where you get pleasure without effort — is the biggest trap of the digital age. This video offers some tips for fixing the problem. Jed Herne is a fantasy and video game writer and a writing coach. For more about him, check out his website, JedHerne.com. Jed Herne is also the name of a writing advice YouTube channel.
Podcast: Work On Your Game With Dre Baldwin by Sacha Black
This episode’s guest is Dre Baldwin is a former pro basketball player, a social media expert, author, entrepreneur and business coach. He talks about disclipline, self-imposed deadlines, combatting fatigue, mental toughness, and building resilience. Sacha Black is a fantasy author and writing coach, with several writing advice books including 13 Steps to Evil: How to Craft Superbad Villains. Follow her on her website, Sacha Black, on Facebook at @Sacha Black or on Twitter at @sacha_black. Sacha Black is a site that offers writing advice, courses, and podcasts. Follow the site via their RSS feed (direct Feedly link here).
Podcast: Writing Every Day With Brock Swinson by Matt Bird
Guest Brock Swinson is an interviewer for Creative Screenwriting, podcaster of the Creative Principles Podcast and author of “Ink by the Barrel, Secrets from Prolific Writers”. You can get a free copy of the book at his website, BrockSwinson.com. Matt Bird is the author of The Secrets of Story: Innovative Tools for Perfecting Your Fiction and Captivating Readers. The Secrets of Story blog offers in-depth, detailed advice about writing and structuring novels and screenplays.
Other motivational advice this week:
- 10 Ways To Stomp Out Writer Perfectionism by DiAnn Mills for The Write Conversation
- 4 Writerly Types—Which One Fits You Best by Ane Mulligan for The Write Conversation
- 5 Pieces Of Advice From Writers That I Come Back To Again And Again by Tríona Walsh for Writer’s Digest
- 5 Techniques To Help You Write Your Novel by Vee James for National Novel Writing Month
- 5 Tips For NaNoWriMo First-Timers by Demi Michelle Schwartz for National Novel Writing Month
- Find More Time To Write By Utilizing These 15 Tips by Edie Melson for The Write Conversation
- Happy Accidents: On Keeping Yourself Open To Possibilities by Tilly Bridges for Writer’s Digest
- Video: How To Resume Writing After Holidays by Daphne Gray-Grant for Publication Coach
- How To Start Writing A Novel: Begin Better, Finish Faster by Jordan Kantey for Now Novel
- Improving Your Creativity by Garry Rodgers for Killzoneblog.com
- Procrastination And Writing: Four Snares That Stop The Flow by Janna Lopez for BookBaby Blog
- The Best Music To Appease Your Nagging Muse by Kris Maze for Writers In The Storm
- The Dangers Of Feedback by Matthew Norman for Writer Unboxed
- Writing Mistakes Writers Make: Overreacting To Disappointment by Robert Lee Brewer for Writer’s Digest
The art and craft of writing
Writing Twists And Turns In Thrillers With Catherine McKenzie by Rachel Wharton and Joni Di Placido
In this episode, Catherine McKenzie, a USA Today best-selling thriller author, talks about structure and the writing process. Rachel Wharton is the author engagement coordinator at Kobo Writing Life. Joni Di Placido is the author engagement specialist at Kobo Writing Life. Kobo Writing Life is the writing advice site from the people behind the Kobo reader. For more like this, subscribe to their RSS feed (directly Feedly link here).
Podcast: Using Sudowrite For Writing Fiction With Amit Gupta by Joanna Penn
How to train AI tools to write in your voice and style, dealing with criticism of using AI as a writer, possible legal issues when using AI tools as a collaborative approach, should authors discuss their AI usage, and the changing view of AI tools as they become mainstream. Joanna Penn has been sharing writing and publishing advice since 2008 at The Creative Penn and is the author of Successful Self-Publishing and many other writing and publishing advice books. She also has one of my favorite writing advice podcasts, and you can subscribe to it on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify, or Stitcher. The Creative Penn offers articles, videos, books, tools, and courses for independent authors.
Podcast: AI For Authors Update: Advanced Self-Publishing Podcast With Orna Ross And Joanna Penn by Orna Ross and Joanna Penn
Generative AI is improving rapidly, almost day by day, giving authors unprecedented assistance in writing and publishing books. This episode offers an overview of recent advances in generative AI for words, images, and audio, including Alliance of Independent Authors guidelines on copyright and ethical usage and how to use AI tools to improve quality and output. Orna Ross is a novelist, poet, self-publishing advocate, and founder and director of the Alliance of Independent Authors. Follow her on Twitter at @OrnaRoss. Joanna Penn has been sharing writing and publishing advice since 2008 at The Creative Penn and is the author of Successful Self-Publishing and many other writing and publishing advice books. She also has one of my favorite writing advice podcasts, and you can subscribe to it on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify, or Stitcher. Self Publishing Advice is the advice center of the Alliance of Independent Authors. If you want more advice like this, subscribe to their RSS feed (direct Feedly signup link).
Why Can’t A Novelist Write Like A Screenwriter? by Anne R. Allen
Most cop shows start with a victim being murdered. But in novels, readers don’t like it when a point of view character is killed in the first chapter. This post talks about why that happens. Anne Allen started her career at Bantam and knows her way around the publishing industry. Allen also writes mysteries and how-to books about writing. For more advice like this, follow her on Twitter at @annerallen or on Facebook at @annerallenauthor. Anne R. Allen’s Blog… with Ruth Harris offers advice from a couple of publishing industry veterans. For more advice like this, subscribe to their RSS feed (direct Feedly link).
Podcast: Our Favorite Mounts by Oren Ashkenazi, Chris Winkle, and Wes Matlock
In this episode, the Mythcreants team discusses horses, bears, weird space dragons and other animals used for transportation — and how to make the interesting. Oren Ashkenazi is the speculative fiction manuscript editor, Chris Winkle is the founder and editor-in-chief, and Wes Matlock is a content editor at Mythcreants. Mythcreants is my all-time favorite writing advice site. Get their RSS feed here (direct Feedly signup link) or follow them on Twitter @Mythcreants and on Facebook at @mythcreants.
Other writing advice this week:
- Video: 12 Steps Of The Hero’s Journey Explained (Episode 12: Return With The Elixir) by Claire Fraise for Write with Claire Fraise
- 25 Hero’s Journey Story Ideas To Start An Epic Adventure by Sue Weems for The Write Practice
- 3 Quick Tips On Effective Character Development (Plus 4 Key Questions) by Lucy V Hay for Bang2write
- Backdrop: Why Setting Matters by C. Michele Dorsey for Career Authors
- Character Dialogue — How To Improve It Right Away by Stavros Halvatzis for Stavros Halvatzis
- ChatGPT: A Writer’s Best Friend…For Now by Giancarlo Ghedini for Writer’s Digest
- Creating A Fantasy World by Glen C. Strathy for How to Write a Book Now
- Dialogue Tags Vs Action Beats: A Battle That Must Be Won! by Pat Spencer for Almost An Author
- Directionality In Fiction: Why You Need It & How To Create It by September C. Fawkes for September C. Fawkes
- Five Characters Who Make Extreme Choices For No Reason by Oren Ashkenazi for Mythcreants
- Video: How Do You Write Compelling Action Scenes In Your Novel? by Nicole Wilbur for Nicole Wilbur
- Video: How To Create Likable Villains by Brandon McNulty for Writer Brandon McNulty
- How To Determine Your Novel’s Time Span by C. S. Lakin for Live Write Thrive
- How To Write A Good First Draft by Tiffany Yates Martin for FoxPrint Editorial
- Lessons From The Extremely Serious Writing Of Malazan by Chris Winkle for Mythcreants
- Podcast: Ordinary Time, Extraordinary Time: How Expectations, Power Dynamics & Assumptions Propel Your Reader by Anne Elliott for Manuscript Academy
- Video: Out Of Control Characters by Morgan Hazelwood for Morgan Hazelwood
- Video: Pacing Your Book Like A TV Show by Alessandra Torre for Authors A.I.
- Past Tense Vs Present Tense: Which One Do You Need For Your Novel? by Dave Chesson for Kindlepreneur
- Points Of A Story: 6 Key Plot Points That Every Story Needs by Joe Bunting for The Write Practice
- Save The Cat Story Structure: Definition And Beat Sheet by Jason Hamilton for Kindlepreneur
- The Hero’s Journey: 12 Steps That Make Up The Universal Structure Of Great Stories by David Safford for The Write Practice
- What Does Your Character Want? Desire Vs. Plot Goal Vs. Moral Intention Vs. Need by K. M. Weiland for Helping Writers Become Authors
- Which Kind(s) Of Editing Does Your Novel Need? by Kate M. Colby for A Writer’s Path
- Who Should Be Telling This Story? by Jeanne Kisacky for Writer Unboxed
- Writer’s Digest Best Writing Advice Websites For Writers 2023 by Amy Jones, Moriah Richard, and Michael Woodson for Writer’s Digest
- Writing (Un)Awkward Romantic Scenes by Sara Butler Zalesky for A Writer’s Path
- Writing Characters Readers Connect With Part One by Donna Jo Stone for Almost An Author
The business side of writing
One Thing Versus Many — Niche Marketing Part Two by Kristine Kathryn Rusch
Writers who create diverse works that cater to different audiences and genres can try using segmented newsletters to reach different target markets effectively. New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Kristine Kathryn Rusch writes bestselling science fiction and fantasy, award-winning mysteries, acclaimed mainstream fiction, controversial nonfiction, and the occasional romance. At KrisWrites.com, Rusch offers her thoughts about the publishing industry and other topics.
Video: Germany: The 3rd Biggest Book Market by Mark Dawson and James Blatch
Andrea Kuhn and Freya von Korff are bestselling authors living in Germany – here’s why you should be translating your books for that market. Mark Dawson is a USA Today bestselling author who teaches courses about book production and marketing. Check out his website at MarkJDawson.com. James Blatch writes military thrillers. For more, check out his website, JamesBlatch.com. On the Self Publishing Formula show, Mark Dawson and James Blatch talk about building a career as a self-published author.
Other business advice this week:
- Easy Ways Indie Authors Can Be More Eco-Friendly by AskALLi Team for Self Publishing Advice
- How To Start Your Writing Business: So You’ve Published A Book — Now What? by Holly Darling for Kobo Writing Life
- 5 Ways To Use AI In Your Book Marketing by Rose Atkinson-Carter for Insecure Writer’s Support Group
- How To Write A Logline: 5 Key Tips To Remember (And 5 To Avoid) by Lucy V Hay for Bang2write
- Video: What Ghostwriting Is Really Like by Alessandra Torre for Authors A.I.
- Video: How To Appeal To Your Readers Through Your Amazon Page by Estelle Van de Velde for Estelle Van de Velde
- 6 Best Free WordPress Themes For Writers + Bonus Plugins by Bella Rose Pope for Make a Living Writing
- Amazon Closed My Account: What To Do About A Suspended KDP Account by Jason Hamilton for Kindlepreneur
- How To Create A WordPress Website For Authors In 7 Easy Steps by Jason Hamilton for Kindlepreneur
- Podcast: Penguin Random House Senior Executive Editor Sara Sargent On How Editors Choose Books by Julie Kingsley and Jessica Sinsheimer for Manuscript Academy
- Self-Publishing News: Bookshops Ask Publishers Not Just To Link To Amazon by Dan Holloway for Self Publishing Advice
- Do You Need An ISBN For An Ebook? by Philip Kinsher for BookBaby Blog
- How To Distribute An Ebook For New Authors by Philip Kinsher for BookBaby Blog
- Jumping Through Social Media Hoops (And Why I’d Rather Not) by Bryn Turnbull for Women Writers, Women’s Books
- Mid-Year Marketing Measurement by Brian Jud for Self Published Author
- 12 Author Hashtags To Grow Your Brand As A Writer by Jackie Pearce for Make a Living Writing
- Podcast: BookTok Tropes, And Using The Market To Write by Bryan Cohen and H. Claire Taylor for Sell More Books Show
- 25 Years In Indie Publishing: What’s Changed And What Remains The Same? by Victoria Champagne Sutherland for Writer’s Digest
- Publishing Contracts You Shouldn’t Sign by Erica Verrillo for Publishing … and Other Forms of Insanity
- Podcast: The Tortoise Release Method: Why Slow And Steady Beats Rapid Release by Thomas Umstattd Jr. for Author Media
- Video: Expert Book Publicist Reveals Strategies by Dale L. Roberts for Self-Publishing with Dale
- Video: What Does My Reader Want? — SEO For Authors by Estelle Van de Velde for Estelle Van de Velde
- Video: My Book Is Messed Up On Amazon, How Can I Fix It? by M.K. Williams for M.K. Williams
- 8 Mistakes You’re Making On Your Author Website by Penny Sansevieri for Writers In The Storm
- The Angst Of Finding A Great Book Title: If You, Like Me, Don’t Score High At This All-Important Task, Some Tips To Try by Mary Carroll Moore for How to Plan, Write, and Develop a Book
- Writer’s Digest Best Everything Agents Websites For Writers 2023 by Amy Jones, Moriah Richard, and Michael Woodson for Writer’s Digest
- How Difficult Can A Comp Be? by Marti Johnson for Writers’ Rumpus
- Marketing Your New Book On A Budget by Karen Cioffi for Writers On The Move
- Case Study: How I Became a Substack Featured Publication by Dan Blank for WeGrowMedia
- Video: Indie Marketing Success by Jim Azevedo for Draft2Digital
- Video: Amazon Ads For KDP 2023: Step-By-Step Tutorial For Beginners by Dale L. Roberts for Self-Publishing with Dale
- Video: Everything You Need To Self-Publish Your Book by Mandi Lynn for Mandi Lynn
- Video: Market Your Book On Podcasts: The Ultimate Guide For Authors by Shelby Leigh for Marketing by Shelby
Am I missing any writing advice sites? Email me at maria@metastellar.com or leave a note in the comments below.
MetaStellar editor and publisher Maria Korolov is a science fiction novelist, writing stories set in a future virtual world. And, during the day, she is an award-winning freelance technology journalist who covers artificial intelligence, cybersecurity and enterprise virtual reality. See her Amazon author page here and follow her on Twitter, Facebook, or LinkedIn, and check out her latest videos on the Maria Korolov YouTube channel. Email her at maria@metastellar.com. She is also the editor and publisher of Hypergrid Business, one of the top global sites covering virtual reality.