Do you have original, never-before-published fantasy, horror, or sci-fi stories sitting on your desk which you’ve been meaning to send off to magazines but haven’t gotten around to yet?
Dust them off, because our official round of short story submissions begins March 1 and ends March 31.
We’re looking for short stories, up to 1,200 words; this length is set to align with the Science Fiction & Fantasy Writers of America’s requirements for associate membership. The payment is 8 cents a word, paid on acceptance.
Click here for the Flash Fiction Story Submission page.
Authors whose work has been accepted for publication will be notified by Apr. 15.
If you have any questions, please contact Geordie Morse at
We are able to pay for original fiction through the kind generosity of our Patreon supporters. Your donations allow us to accept and publish original speculative fiction at a time when publishing opportunities for new writers are extremely limited.
The process of reviewing original fiction submissions requires the effort of many volunteer judges. If you are interested in being a judge for one of our upcoming original fiction cycles, and have some relevant experience for the task, please contact for more details. Please be aware that acting as a judge for a cycle means you may not submit fiction for that cycle to avoid a conflict of interest.
We also have non-paying opportunities to be published on MetaStellar. These include essays, reviews, reprints and excerpts of longer works.
To submit a reprint, your short story must have previously been published somewhere else, and you have the rights to republish it. For example, if your story was previously published with a publication that only asked for first-time publication rights, or was self-published, or posted on your blog, social media page, or other publicly-accessible online outlet, it’s eligible to be a reprint on MetaStellar.
You can submit a reprint of a short story here.
If you submit a reprint or excerpt for publication, we will notify you within a week whether it has been accepted or not.
All writers will get a bio box that includes their photograph and links to their Amazon author pages, personal blogs, and social media feeds.
To pitch an idea for a book, movie, or TV show review, please contact reviews editor Amira Loutfi at
MetaStellar fiction editor Geordie Morse works primarily as a personal language coach, developing curricula and working with clients remotely. His first book, Renna's Crossing, is out now. His various other projects are cataloged on his site Arnamantle.