Nexav Workplace Harassment Training Module (Required)

Reading Time: 4 minutes
(Image created by Anais Aguilera using Firefly.)

Welcome back to the Nexav Workplace Harassment training module. Your progress has been saved and you will begin from where you left off. Are you ready?

> Yes


Time to test your knowledge!

Which of the following is an example of workplace harassment that may result in disciplinary action?

(A) Your coworker repeatedly assists an elderly employee with several workplace tasks, citing their age as a limiting factor preventing them from achieving their quota goals.

(B) Your supervisor insists an employee learn elements of their language to facilitate the productive flow of information.

> (C) Your supervisor has instructed you to remove your work boot and sock to show them your five-toed foot during work hours.

(D) Your coworker refuses to speak to you during work hours even though you’re just trying to be friendly.

> Next

Incorrect. Your supervisor is exempt from all disciplinary action and any instructions they provide should be followed immediately. Remember, though some actions a supervisor takes may seem sexual in nature, this anthropomorphic interpretation is false and should be ignored. The correct answer is (A). An employee violating another’s responsibilities on the basis of a protected characteristic is a serious offense, even if the employee being harassed acts as if they are unbothered. This coworker has referenced age, a protected characteristic, as an impairment to a fellow employee’s work and offered to perform tasks for them despite the knowledge that each worker is responsible for meeting their own quota goals.

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Discriminatory actions aren’t the only thing to look out for when considering workplace harassment. Promoting harmful material or ideas amongst coworkers can also be considered harassment, even in cases where they are promoted outside of work.

Let’s watch as these employees interact between shifts.

Jim: Beautiful day, isn’t it?

Monica: Yeah. I just can’t believe we have to work for them. We should do something.

Jim (aside): This is the third time she’s tried to bring up the topic of revolutionary action to me. It makes me uncomfortable, but I don’t know what to say.

Jim: Yeah well, we should do this. This is the job we were assigned after all.

Monica: Hey, I actually found a flyer advertising a secret meeting for humans who feel the same way. It’s taking place tonight, and I will be in attendance. Do you want to come?

> Next

Time to test your knowledge!

Which of the following would be an appropriate response? More than one answer may be correct.

(A) Jim tells Monica that this topic of conversation is inappropriate and returns to his barracks to rest before his next shift.

> (B) Jim tells Monica he will attend, goes to the meeting, and receives additional revolutionary material while there. Later he reports the materials, meeting location, and participants to the HR department.

(C) Jim tells Monica he will attend, goes to the meeting, and receives additional revolutionary material while there but decides such meetings are not for him. Later he informs Monica he will not be attending any future meetings.

> (D) Jim tells Monica he cannot attend due to physical exhaustion and discretely reports her activities to the HR department.

> Next

Correct! Both B and D are correct responses to Monica’s persistent harassment. Always report revolutionary activity, whether it be in the workplace or other settings. Monica has made her coworkers uncomfortable with her repeated attempts to organize resistance, and appropriate corrective action must be taken. Remember: Jim will also be liable for punishment if he fails to report her harassing behavior as soon as possible.

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Click the following icons to learn more about the procedures following a workplace harassment report.

> (An envelope labeled ‘top secret’)

The HR department may not be able to guarantee 100% confidentiality in the event of a report. While they will try their best to maintain confidentiality, the decision to disclose ultimately will be made by their supervisors.

> (A sad businessman staring down at his feet)

Appropriate corrective action, once deemed necessary, can range from docking food and water rations to immediate employee termination and beyond, depending on the severity of the infraction.

> (A smiling bespectacled businesswoman at a desk)

While you are still welcome to report harassing behavior to terrestrial authorities, be warned that if you choose not to use our internal complaint procedures you may lose valuable legal rights or remedies.

> Next

Time to test your knowledge!

A colleague has been discovered harassing coworkers for proprietary knowledge of the structural layout and business practices of your workplace. She is suspected of passing the information to an outside vendor under the guise of daily coordination meetings. A supervisor has decided to flay the skin from the vendor’s body and leave them bleeding out in the break room while the harassing colleague is docked food and water rations indefinitely pending further review.

Is this considered appropriate corrective action?

(A) Yes, it is appropriate.

(B) No, it is inappropriate.

> (C) The terrestrial judiciary should decide.

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Incorrect. The terrestrial judiciary does not have regulatory authority over your workplace. Alerting them would only lead to inefficient proceedings that will have no effect on stopping workplace harassment. The correct answer is (A), it is appropriate. A supervisor has determined it to be appropriate corrective action in response to the harassing party’s infractions.

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In conclusion, we recommend you review the following documents:

New Workplace Discrimination and Harassment Protections

New Labor and Employment Law Handbook

The Terrestrial Treaty of Unconditional Surrender

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Do you have any feedback you would like to share with us? If you do, please write it below.

> Yes: This course was very informative. I feel confident I can now identify and report workplace harassment. Thank you.


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And that’s our course! Remember: Preventing harassment before it happens should always be our goal. But if harassment does happen, it’s critical that we know what to do—and respond appropriately. If we don’t, the consequences can be severe.

Edited by Fallon Clark and Sophie Gorjance.

Ike Lang stays awake at night wondering where all the aliens are.