House Keepers
Reading Time: 3 minutesWhen civilization begins to crumble, the 1 percent retreat to their summer homes.
Reading Time: 3 minutesWhen civilization begins to crumble, the 1 percent retreat to their summer homes.
Reading Time: 3 minutesThe old storms have gone away, and a little wonder has gone out of the world with them. Can they be brought back?
Reading Time: 3 minutesWith any experience in life, you have to take the good with the bad… unless you have the technology to sell either to the highest bidder.
Reading Time: 3 minutesWhat makes a house a home? In the future, we might not have to be the ones who decide that.
Reading Time: 4 minutesA haunted musician is compelled to make music for creatures he finds in the shadows…
Reading Time: 4 minutesIn a society where everybody is beautiful, physical imperfection becomes a career move.
Reading Time: 4 minutesA dentist with a dark family history receives a request to fit a patient with a very unique set of teeth.
Reading Time: 3 minutesNeville Schroeder was a fireplug. He stood barely five feet tall, red, shabby, and pedestrian. Professor Connelly towered over him, a giant oak tree of a man with a silk paneled vest, tweed coat and tie, expensive glasses, and a neatly trimmed beard.
Reading Time: 5 minutes“Listen to me,” said the Demon as he placed his hand upon my head. “The region of which I speak is a dreary region in Libya, by the borders of the river Zaire. And there is no quiet there, nor silence.”